This week was pretty crazy. We only had one regular day. All the others were full of meetings, conferences, and bus rides. I was on a bus for over 16 hours this week! The mission areas are so far away here! It's crazy, but luckily the buses are actually really nice.
And then had conferencia con Presidente on Tuesday. It was really good to hear from them again, and hear their expectations from us as missionaries. The talks were all based on "how to be a Preach My Gospel missionary" and how to use the manual to become more effective missionaries as we strive to teach repentance and baptize converts. It is always good to hear talks like that because it motivates me to be more obedient and do more! We drove back from the conference on Tuesday night.
Then on Thursday, we drove to 28 de Noviembre (that is the name of the city)....another 4 hour bus ride...for Zone Conference. Our zone is called Cordillera, but our zone is actually going to dissolve after this transfer, so that is super sad! There are only 8 missionaries in our zone right now, and I love all of them!! It's a super cool zone, but now we have to combine with Rio Gallegos. We called Cordillera the Bro Zone, because an hermana has never served in this zone! So that was kinda funny, but the Bro Zone is no more after this transfer...
So yeah, we didn't have a chance to have many lessons or contact too many people this week, but it was cool. We did have one miracle this week though, and I think that it's the coolest thing that has happened to us so far. We were contacting on Saturday night after our appointment with Sebastian was canceled because he was sick. We decided to contact over there, and we said a prayer before we contacted, which we honestly hadn't done in a long time, even thought we are supposed to every time. So we were just trying to get 7 contacts to reach 50 for the week, and on our 7th contact, this man comes out. His one year old boy is at the door, and we talk to him for a bit asking him how many kids he has and stuff. And he invites us in, which does not happen a lot. We are talking, and he tells us that he has done a lot of bad stuff in the past, and he has recently separated with his wife. He now has these two kids and he wants to change. He wants to be a better person, and we share of course that we know that the gospel of Jesus Christ can change his life and turn him into the person he wants to be. We invited him to church the next morning, and he committed to come, and he actually did come on Sunday!! He is already friends with another member, and they were talking a lot and he seemed to really like the meeting!! SO that was really cool. I believe that God had prepared Damian to receive us, and he had prepared us to find him! Some other cool details about that is that he works every day during the week, so the only time that we could have run into him was on Sunday or Saturday night! And we did. I just thought that was cool! Also, I want to emphasize the power of prayer. I believe that we were blessed because we prayed right before that contacting session, asking Heavenly Father to guide us to those whom he had prepared, and I believe that the Lord heard and answered our prayer!
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