First things first, the food is actually good! I like it a lot luckily. It's mostly pasta and chicken and stuff. Granted, we don't have many members here so we've only had like two meals with members. We make our own lunch every day which is pretty much always pasta with meat sauce, but I actually really like it! So yeah. The food is awesome.
We bought this ice cream last week, and it was sooo good. Haha.
We've been tracting a lot this week, just trying to find new investigators because we basically only have three. It's pretty tough walking around in the freezing cold and in the dark (the sun goes down at like 6) for hours just knocking doors and people saying "I'm busy" or "Pasan un otro momento" even though we can see the Olympics on the TV in their house...So yeah it's basically super classic. Haha. But yeah, it's hard to find new people, and I've learned that this is one of the hardest areas to teach.
When we find someone who actually is receptive to us and allows us to pass by another time we are so happy and it gives us motivation, but that is only like 1 out of every 50 doors.
We committed our investigator named Sebastian to a baptismal date! It's about a month from now! So that's cool. He has some doubts, but he just moved into a house a lot closer to us, and he likes meeting with us. So that's really cool for us.
We also found another family this week. La familia de Leonardo. They are Christian but don't go to a particular church. We taught about the restoration and the first vision, and he mentioned how he already quit smoking and is almost done with drinking. And we haven't even mentioned the word of wisdom yet! So that was exciting also.
We don't have many, but the investigators that we do have are awesome!
I am so happy because of this church and this gospel! I know that keeping the commandments of God is the way to eternal happiness. It's true. The scriptures are true, the church is true. Everything is true. Otherwise I wouldn't be walking around in Argentina in the dark and in the freezing cold knocking doors with a Brazilian companion while a ton of stray dogs are trying to murder me. I love this church. I love this gospel. I love this work. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Some pics of our apartment:
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